freemom, conversations for modern mothers

It Can't Be Menopause

Season 2 Episode 11

I’m not going to beat around the bush. Today’s episode is about menopause. 

It seems a bit crazy to me, I mean menopause? That’s for older, or rather “mature” women, right? We are young, we have little people to look after, and honestly we have enough going on. Menopause? Nope. No way. 

Well, yes way. The average woman begins to experience perimenopausal symptoms between the ages of 40-44, and for some women, it’s even younger than that. For those of you who had babies a bit later in life, you could very well be clearing out those tampons and pads at the same time that you’re getting the kids out of diapers. 

It’s crazy to me that every woman experiences menopause and yet no one really talks about it. Yes, we know about the hot flashes but there has to be more to it than that. Funnily enough, if you type “average age” into Google, “of menopause” is the second most common response…. After “death”. Ugh. 

So what do we need to know? Why is menopause such a big secret? How can we prepare ourselves for this inevitable and honestly pretty uncomfortable change that’s in the not-so-distant future? Let’s find out. 

My guest today is Dr. Kate Zachau, Osteopathic Physician with Collaborative Natural Health Partners based in Connecticut. Dr. Kate works with patients to determine the root cause of their medical maladies in alignment with naturopathic and osteopathic philosophies. She specifically works with women as they move through menopause and her passion for integrative medicine is most notable in the modalities of mind-body medicine, nutrition, and osteopathic manipulation. 

From mental health and managing relationships to raising changemakers and advocating for support, freemom is a podcast dedicated to ensuring that every mom feels heard. You can find us on the gram at @freemomcast or on the web at You can also support the show and help fund production with a sweet little five-dollar donation right here. Thanks for listening!

From mental health and managing relationships to raising changemakers and advocating for support, freemom is a podcast dedicated to ensuring that every mom feels heard. You can find us on the gram at @freemomcast or on the web at You can also support the show and help fund production with a sweet little five-dollar donation right here. Thanks for listening!

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