freemom, conversations for modern mothers
freemom is a podcast that explores motherhood in a different way than what you're used to. From mental health issues to paid maternity leave, money matters to building a business, we are laser-focused on the modern mama who finds a way to balance it all but shouldn’t have to. At freemom, we pick the brains of authors, journalists, scientists, therapists, business owners, and politicians who want to create better opportunities for our generation as well as the next one. Best of all is that we are bringing these seriously brilliant and inspirational women right into your ears in easy 30-minute episodes that you can listen to during your daily commute or stroller stroll. Strap yourself in mama because this is going to be a ride.
freemom, conversations for modern mothers
Mom Guilt
Have you ever heard the phrase “mom guilt”? If you’re responsible for any human beings and you also happen to work in some way, shape, or form, have a relationship that you’d like to keep, and live in a home that needs some form of maintenance, you will be all too familiar with it.
The very definition of guilt is “the fact of having committed a breach of conduct especially violating law and involving a penalty.” Yikes. Let’s look an alternative. “feelings of deserving blame especially for imagined offenses or from a sense of inadequacy.” Oh yes, yes, there it is. Welcome to motherhood.
If you ask me, mom guilt is quite frankly the feeling of getting swallowed whole by a life that’s pulling you in more directions than your body and mind are able to bear. From kids and spouses to work and career - all the needs of life chomp us to bits and we end up feeling like no matter how hard we try, it’s not good enough. Failure becomes our constant companion.
So how do change this internal narrative? What can moms do to let go, keep the faith, and give ourselves a bit more grace? Let’s find out.
With me today is Raena Boston, Co-Founder of Chamber of Mothers, an advocacy group that works to get mothers’ and caregivers' rights front and center. She also heads up “The Working Momtras”, an online community that builds connections between working moms and helps women dissolve the definition of “having it all” to create their own.
From mental health and managing relationships to raising changemakers and advocating for support, freemom is a podcast dedicated to ensuring that every mom feels heard. You can find us on the gram at @freemomcast or on the web at www.freemomcast.com. You can also support the show and help fund production with a sweet little five-dollar donation right here. Thanks for listening!
From mental health and managing relationships to raising changemakers and advocating for support, freemom is a podcast dedicated to ensuring that every mom feels heard. You can find us on the gram at @freemomcast or on the web at www.freemomcast.com. You can also support the show and help fund production with a sweet little five-dollar donation right here. Thanks for listening!